Juniors: Take the trip of a Lifetime!

Tri-County to host Youth Tour trip to Washington D.C. for high school juniors

Tri-County Rural Electric plans to sponsor students from the co-op’s service territory on a seven-day all-expenses-paid trip that will include a stop in Washington D.C. in June.

If you are a high school junior who enjoys sight-seeing, history, politics and making new friends, then Tri-County’s Youth Tour Trip may be for you.

For over 50 years, teens from rural America have been coming to Washington, D.C. on the “trip of a lifetime,” courtesy of their local sponsoring electric cooperative, their state association, and NRECA. Over the years, these delegates have toured some of the finest museums in the world and visited America’s most historic monuments. They have met with their elected officials and explored Capitol Hill. They have learned about the impact electric cooperatives have on their communities as well as how programs like NRECA International are impacting lives around the world. And each year, roughly 2,000 delegates and staff make an impact on Washington, D.C.

States participating in NRECA’s 2023 Youth Tour are staying in Washington for about a week and staggering their travel dates between June 16 and June 21. Youth Tour is a life-changing trip that brings more than a thousand high school juniors and seniors to Washington, D.C. from all across America. Students are selected by their local electric cooperative.