Energy Star Appliances & Electric Vehicle Program
Appliance Rebate Program made available by LEEP – Local Energy Efficiency Program from the Pennsylvania Rural Electric Association (PREA).
Program Objective
Encourage members to upgrade old, inefficient appliances to improve energy efficiency and conservation along with supporting members in purchase of electric vehicles and electric vehicle chargers.
Program Description
A rebate program for energy-efficient appliances, electric vehicles (EV) or EV Chargers purchased by the members of Tri-County REC.
Tri-County will provide a rebate to members in the form of a credit to their electric account for the purchase of Energy Star rated appliances and electric vehicles or electric vehicle chargers using the following guidelines:
- The appliance must be Energy-Star certified.
- The rebate will be 10% of the appliance or EV charger cost, up to $150 per appliance or EV charger with a $200 maximum rebate per voting member.
- The rebate is calculated on the cost of the appliance or EV chargers only. The rebate does not include sales tax or extended warranties.
- Appliance rebates will be given for the following Energy Star certified appliances: Refrigerator, Freezer, Dishwasher, Clothes Washer, Dryer, Dehumidifier, Window Air Conditioner, Air Source Heat Pumps/Mini Splits, Air Source Hybrid Water Heater.
- Electric Vehicles must be a new vehicle, 100% battery powered to receive a $500 rebate. Hybrids are not eligible.
Rebate Program Details
Energy Star certified appliances or EV chargers must be purchased after January 1, 2024. The Rebate Form must be completed and signed. A copy of the sales receipt, with the appliance or EV charger highlighted or circled must be submitted with the Rebate Form. Multiple appliance rebates will be accepted per voting member, with the total rebate not to exceed $200.
Electric Vehicles must be 100% electric and purchased new after January 1, 2024. The Rebate Form must be completed and signed with the sales receipt or invoice attached to receive the $500 rebate.
The Rebate Form and a copy of the sales receipt or invoice can be mailed or delivered to Tri-County Rural Electric Cooperative, c/o Rebate Program, 2448 Charleston Rd, PO Box 526, Mansfield, PA 16933. The rebate will be applied as a bill credit to the member’s electric account.
This program does not provide any kind of warranty or guarantee for the appliances or electric vehicle purchased. The rebate is only valid provided the requirements listed in this document are met. The rebates will be allocated on a first-come, first served basis and limited by the amount of LEEP funds Tri-County receives. The rebate program will end when all funds have been exhausted within the calendar year.
If you have any questions regarding energy efficiency rebates, please call the Tri-County REC Member Services Department at 570-662-2175.